Woweta girl, 4, drowns in well

A four-year-old girl fell into a well at Woweta Village, Region Nine and drowned on Sunday afternoon shortly after she slipped away from her brother who was left by their mother to care for her and a one-year-old baby.

The dead child’s name has been given as Julianna Wilson. Reports reaching Stabroek News are that the child’s mother Fareda Wilson went to a store to buy some goods. The woman left the four-year -ld and her one-year-old sister in the care of an older brother.

The brother was apparently putting the infant to sleep when the four-year-old girl slipped away. When the mother returned home, the child was nowhere to be found. A search was immediately conducted and her body was found floating in the well.

This newspaper was told that the body will be buried in the community some time today since the nearest morgue is at Lethem which is located some 83 miles away.