Ministers visit Strathavon, Cane Grove over paddy dust nuisance

A ministerial team today met with residents of Strathavon and Cane Grove on the East Coast of Demerara over a longstanding paddy dust nuisance and is to present a progress report in two weeks.

According to GINA, Minister of Legal Affairs Anil Nandlall, Minister of Health, Bheri Ramsaran and Minister in the Ministry of Local Government Norman Whittaker also met with the owner of the mill who has been accused of causing the dust nuisance, Faizul Hack. According to GINA, Hack explained that the current emissions stem from a recent fire in the silo of the mill.

The problem has been an ongoing one and last year residents turned to the Alliance For Change for assistance after arguing that the PPP/C government was doing nothing about their complaints.