Crime worsening in West Suriname

(de Ware Tijd) SIPALIWINI – Police commander Soenieldath Sanchit of Apoera concludes that crime is worsening in Washabo, Section and Apoera. Sanchit, who has been stationed in Apoera twice a year since 1994, says this mostly involves aggravated assault and drug dealing, but domestic violence is also a growing problem in this area.

“This situation was unknown ten years ago, and we only had to do with minor assaults as part of fights,” the police commander says, adding that people now do not hesitate to use sharp objects to hurt each other. Although some spots for selling cocaine and marihuana have suddenly emerged, Sanchit claims there are no conspicuous addicts, attributing drugs use to mostly young people. Despite police raids on several drugs selling spots they continue shooting up like mushrooms.

“The drugs are brought in from Paramaribo and Guyana,” Sanchit says. He also believes that because the road to the area is in good condition, many outsiders are visiting the area, and along with them come negative outside influences. Sanchit adds that women in particular become victims of domestic violence, as their husbands or partners hit them due to excessive use of alcohol. When asked for comment, the dean of District Commissioners Roline Samsoedien says the police have reported to her about this development. She knows fights break out in bars and dance halls, which often do not have the required license, adding, “We are now regulating stores and bars, so police can concentrate on these spots.” Professional help will be called in for families who have been victimized by domestic abuse, while education and information will be provided to the inhabitants about the negative consequences of domestic violence and drug use. “We will tackle these problems, and although there will not be immediate results we will work on containing them,” the DC says.