Hubbard’s victory was CNS 6’s victory

Dear Editor,

I wish to congratulate Mr Shane Hubbard on being awarded for his documentary for the Global Water Partnership. This competition was open to the media through GWI. However, the documentary was not a one-man show. The piece was the result of team spirit. In fact it’s a CNS 6 production. The news articles on the story downplayed the role of CNS 6 in the victory, although I must say Stabroek News had it right in the first instance.

Considering that Mr Hubbard was a trainee cameraman/editor for two years at CNS 6 and the production was a completed piece done on the job, with the use of our facilities, time and footage, and guided by our editor-in-charge, I do believe that CNS 6 deserves to be applauded . Furthermore CNS 6 was not invited to cover or attend the award ceremony.

I do believe that Mr Hubbard’s victory cannot be separated from a CNS victory because it is the result of team work. We at CNS are all proud of Mr Hubbard’s victory and I hope that in future endeavours, Mr Hubbard will be happy to give credit where it’s due.

Yours faithfully,
Savitree Singh-Sharma