The AFC is a catalyst for change

Dear Editor,

Despite the fact that the AFC is part of the combined opposition, it would sometimes stand independently and stick to its decisions on some parliamentary issues, being guided by its democratic principles, policies and vision, relative to change for a better Guyana. It is not a ‘yes’ party but prudently supports or opposes either the ruling party or its fellow opposition party (APNU).

The AFC, though small, is effective and is having a positive impact through its decisions and actions which have a ripple effort. As Shakespeare says, “How far that little candle throws its beams.”

Having only seven parliamentary seats, it has changed the political landscape by adding variety, options and a much wider balloting choice.

It has introduced new and charismatic personalities to the forefront of politics and is assisting quickly in the process of change.

The very essence of this party, the AFC, is convincingly a catalyst for change, to rid Guyana of its hereditary political fossils or its unchanging, archaic, antiquated policies and ideologies.

Yours faithfully,
George Carrington