
Mentha, commonly called mint, originated from the Mediterranean and belongs to the Lamiaceae family. Mint leaves are oval in shape and deep veined with finely toothed edges.

Mint is a famous, hardy, perennial herb and has many uses both in the culinary and medicinal spheres. It contains menthol and essential oils and is used as flavouring in breath fresheners and as a component drug in cough syrup, among other things.

Fresh Mint can be used to complement beverages, jellies, candies, meat dishes, salads and tea. There are many varieties, among the most common being spear-mint, peppermint and applemint.

20130630Garden (Peggy Chin)In the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisine mint is very popular in lamb dishes and tea, while in British and American cuisine mint sauce and mint jelly are used respectively.

Mint is easy to grow. It is an aggressive spreader so it is sometimes grown in pots or window boxes. Plant in full sun and remember it likes to be moist. Fertilize with Miracle Gro All Purpose every two weeks. Small plants are available at nurseries, but it can be grown by seed also. Have a cup of mint tea; it is so refreshing and also eases nausea and indigestion, and settles your stomach.

NB: Finally, two Sundays ago a man was caught red handed removing plants from a prominent business establishment in New Market Street. He was so barefaced and cunning it was a real tug of war. This was his third visit when he was caught.

Citizens, please be on the alert as the theft of plants continues to be big business. There are many more out there to be caught. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Until next week, happy gardening!