Pradoville 2 probe is diversion from salary scandal – PPP

The PPP today charged that the APNU+AFC government’s focusing on an investigation into Pradoville 2 lands is meant to divert attention from the “obnoxious salary increase” to Cabinet ministers.

A PPP statement issued today follows:


The blitzkrieg launched against the APNU+AFC coalition administration by a wide cross section of Guyanese society expressing their disgust and rejection of the shameless and unconscionable salary increase has the APNU+AFC coalition government on the back foot.

In a desperate effort to wage a fight-back, several beneficiaries of the largesse from the treasury have come out in defense of their defenseless “split the spoils, mates” syndrome.

First, it was Harmon, followed by Basil Williams, Jordan then Trotman who came out in Viva Zapata style defending their hefty pay hikes. Others are bound to follow suit as the coalition sinks deeper and deeper in the quagmire which they have found themselves.

One of the tools in the damage control tool box the government has resorted to is the technique called “diversion”; it is used to divert attention away from an issue such as the current salary increase debacle which the Granger-led APNU+AFC coalition administration has come under severe criticism for on a daily basis.

The government is hoping that by diverting the public’s attention away from itself and the obnoxious salary increase doled out to its Ministers, el at; and further, by shifting attention to the so-called Pradoville 2 inquisition by leaking the “results of the investigation and recommendations” by the shady and cabalistic Asset Recovery Unit, whose legality, composition and Terms of Reference remains a mystery, that they will succeed in re-focusing the public’s attention from itself and the current morass to the fabricated Pradoville 2 Nancy story.

Sadly, however, the apologists for the Granger-led coalition administration have failed miserably in their efforts at deception and will continue to do so.

The most recent Trotman’s “trust us, believe us” pleadings has been clumsy and must be seen as further blundering by his administration. And the attempt to divert attention away from the salary issue is quite obvious to all and sundry.

These efforts are another manifestation of the incompetence of the Granger-led administration to fool the people. In effect, their defence has been transformed into phyrric counter-attack and the target is the opposition as is to be expected.

Trotman’s “trust us….believe us” entreaties will fall on deaf ears and his attempt to defend his hapless colleague, Joe Harmon, still smarting from the wounds for his insensitive and arrogant, “No apologies to make” outburst, re-enforces their determination that they will not to budge on the issue.

By claiming that Harmon was “caught off-guard” will not suffice. A public apology for his public misconduct is absolutely necessary.

How can the APNU+AFC be “trusted” when in July, 2015 government spokespersons were all denying the hefty increases in their pay packets but were in fact already benefitting from the increase which was made retroactive with effect from July 2015?

The PPP condemns these vicious and vengeful attempt by the modern-day APNU+AFC inquisitionists.

The PPP will not be daunted by the on-going APNU+AFC witch-hunting and campaign of vilification.

The PPP remains convinced that at length, the truth will out and the Party’s unsinkable faith in the people in general, and its members and supporters in particular, will eventually see the APNU+AFC being a sorry sight. All the evil and diabolical acts they have committed will be dashed to pieces and consigned to the dustbin of history.