US embassy announces financial aid for elections monitoring

The US Embassy yesterday announced financial support of more than US$300,000 for the election monitoring programmes of the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Electoral Assistance Bureau (EAB) for the May 11 general elections.

A statement from the US embassy said that both the OAS and EAB have a proven track record of successful election monitoring missions and are widely respected.  The statement added that the US Government is “pleased to support the two organizations in bringing their credible and critical analysis to Guyana’s 2015 electoral process.”

The US Embassy said that the Guyana Elections Commission has established a strong track record of ensuring ? fair, and credible ?elections “and we have full faith and confidence in its ability to do so once again in 2015”.

The US embassy said that it hoped that international and domestic observation will increase public and stakeholder confidence in the electoral process, “culminating in all political parties’ acceptance of the ultimate results”.