Contrary to what Brassington says the feasibility study for the Marriott was submitted after the contract had been signed

Dear Editor,

Mr Winston Brassington has chosen defamatory words to respond to my blog post concerning a feasibility study of the Kingston Hotel, the report of which was submitted after the signing of the contract for the construction. The three pictures (provided) are firstly, a letter dated October 1, 2011 addressed by Mr Brassington to Mr Michael Zhang, Managing Director of SCG International Inc which was awarded the contract to build the hotel, and secondly, the two front pages of a report of a feasibility study dated September 2012 of the project submitted to the Chairman, Atlantic Hotel Inc, Mr. Brassington. These documents were made available to Members of Parliament.

Yet, Mr Brassington has the gall to call me a liar for stating nothing more than the facts set out in his own documents. However, instead of descending to his level, I instead thank him for the opportunity to have him answer questions under oath concerning the illegalities and improprieties which he and the directors of NICIL have perpetrated on Guyanese for several years.

Guyana is owed it. Mr Brassington will deliver it.

Yours faithfully,
Christopher Ram