Invisible opposition

Dear Editor,

For the record, there is reported to be an official opposition somewhere in parliament and out there. From all appearances, the reality is that, save for two talking heads, the rest of the opposition is invisible, inaudible, and incomprehensible. While it is likely better this way for citizens, the bottom line is that the rest might as well not exist.

In the short time since its first sighting, the opposition has assumed a clear and distinctive form: Here is a cart creaking and squeaking along on one wheel only, and with dozens of spare wheels lolling about in the dray. Sure, it is not a heavy load intellectually, but it does not present an encouraging picture, when so many have been consigned unceremoniously to the realms of the mute and inconsequential. Welcome to leadership authoritarianism at its dogged best (or worst).

And what wheels they are. They are deflated, defaced, and disembodied; worn out before their time, occupied in making time, and bereft of spark or purpose or presence. This is the way the autocracy prefers.

Of course, these spare wheels are ecstatic for presence in parliament; they follow the leader. Come to think of it, that’s all there is to this opposition and MP business. It is a long step from languishing in forlorn obscurity on the desolate political roadside. Now I confess that I anticipated the troops would rise and speak and denounce, but this is clearly a two-headed caucus and circus. The leader and secretary general monopolize thinking, positioning, and pontificating. It is in a sad state, this opposition cart that trundles along without heat or fire (careful) or spirit.

It ought to be noticed that I cannot bring myself to name names, especially of the heads or generals.

In an effort to induce some life into the lifeless, I suggest a renegade faction develop and stir itself into action. It could be named PPP/New & Improved, or PPP/Lite. Both meanings of the last word apply.

Yours faithfully,

GHK Lall