PPP calls on gov’t to scrap parking meters project

The PPP today called on the government to scrap the parking meters project.

A release from the party follows:

The implementation of parking meters in the City of Georgetown is the latest blow inflicted upon the Nation by this Government. Against the backdrop of a declining economy, rising cost of living and the imposition by the Government of over two hundred (200) new tax measures and increases in public licenses fees in one calendar year, the parking meters will add even greater economic, financial and social hardships upon the backs of the citizens, especially those living, working or visiting the City of Georgetown.

These parking meters will certainly contribute to significant decline in business and commerce in Georgetown because, obviously, person would prefer to conduct their business elsewhere in order to avoid paying to park in the City. Workers who normally drive to work in the City may no longer afford to do so. Already, the Teachers have expressed their protestations. With them we stand solidly in solidarity.

We wish to remind citizens of the Government’s desperate attempts to distance itself from this project from the inception blaming it on the Mayor and City Council. However, this charade was ripped apart when it became known that these parking meters cannot come into operation but by an Order to be issued under the hand of Minister Ronald Bulkan.

We take this opportunity, also, to highlight the absolute lack of transparency and accountability which surround this project. This contractor was hand-picked by the Mayor and the Town Clerk and this contract was not the subject of any public procurement process, whatsoever. To date, the terms and conditions of this contract have not yet been made public nor has it been approved or even seen by Councilors on the City Council. This contract reeks of cronyism and corruption.

In the circumstances, we call upon the Government to scrap this parking meter project, immediately; the PPP stands in solidarity with the citizens who have decided to boycott these parking meters;  we encourage others to do so and the PPP will stand in solidarity with them as well.