
Sorrel is the common name for Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) also called Florida cranberry.

Sorrel is an annual plant that flowers and fruits in one year with 2 bearings and then dies off. The flowers are creamy yellow with a scarlet throat and look like a small Hibiscus flower and the fruit usually comes in time for Christmas. About 3 weeks after flowering the fruit is ready for harvesting.

I have noticed a change in the bearing season pattern where Sorrel comes into fruit early. 

There are 2 varieties of Sorrel on the market. One is a light shade of red while the other one is dark red. The fruit is used to make drink, tea, jam, jelly, sauces, syrup and wine. Sorrel drink is usually served at Christmas functions and it is quite refreshing – the right thing to cool down with on a hot day.

Sorrel can be grown from seeds. Remember to thin out seedlings and keep plants well watered.  Fertilize with Miracle Gro All Purpose Plant Food once every 2 weeks.

Happy New Year.

Until next year, Happy Gardening.