22 Venezuelan refugees feared drowned en route to Trinidad

Venezuelan national Jhaymie Zoque, left, speaks to reporters at GML Building, St Vincent Street, Port-of-Spain, yesterday on behalf of relatives of missing boat passengers from La Guaira, Venezuela, who went missing on a trip to Trinidad last Thursday. At right is Jose Mata whose relative is one of the missing passengers.
Venezuelan national Jhaymie Zoque, left, speaks to reporters at GML Building, St Vincent Street, Port-of-Spain, yesterday on behalf of relatives of missing boat passengers from La Guaira, Venezuela, who went missing on a trip to Trinidad last Thursday. At right is Jose Mata whose relative is one of the missing passengers.

(Trinidad Guardian) Rel­a­tives of 22 refugees who have not been seen since they left Güiria, Venezuela, on Thurs­day evening for Trinidad & Tobago, are ap­peal­ing for search­es to be launched for their miss­ing loved ones.

The five Venezue­lans told the T&T Guardian their rel­a­tives, in­clud­ing in­fants and chil­dren, who were on board the pirogue Ana Maria which left Güiria around 4 pm last Thurs­day bound for Ch­aguara­mas. They are seek­ing an­swers af­ter hear­ing un­con­firmed re­ports that the ves­sel had cap­sized and one sur­vivor, Al­ber­to Abreu, was res­cued by a US busi­ness­man and tak­en to Grena­da.

How­ev­er, up to late yes­ter­day au­thor­i­ties in T&T and Venezuela said they had no re­ports of a boat mishap or mi­grants miss­ing at sea and had not launched search­es.

Jhaymie Zoque, speak­ing on be­half of wor­ried rel­a­tives of the miss­ing mi­grants, said two days ago she took her friend Loren­zo Mar­tinez, who has refugee sta­tus in T&T, to Ch­aguara­mas where he ex­pect­ed to meet his 16-year-old wife and their eight-month-old son.

They were among sev­er­al peo­ple on board the Ana Maria who left Güiria, the cap­i­tal of the Venezue­lan state of Var­gas, to en­ter Trinidad & Tobago il­le­gal­ly, Zoque said. They wait­ed for sev­er­al hours but no one ar­rived, Zoque said.

“We were think­ing an av­er­age time they would reach Trinidad is about 7 in the night. We wait un­til 12 pm and we re­alised they wasn’t com­ing. We start­ed to get anx­ious be­cause we had no news but we didn’t think noth­ing wrong be­cause of things hap­pen­ing in Venezuela. We thought they got hold or they ran out of gas. We didn’t think the worst.

“So I left and I went home. The next day we had no news, not even from La Güiria, to say whether they came back, or noth­ing from Trinidad that they reached,” she said.

As anx­i­ety grows and hope dwin­dles, Zoque said they are hear­ing a lot of sto­ries.

“Some peo­ple say­ing the boat sink. We hear­ing Coast Guard hold them but there is noth­ing of­fi­cial and we are des­per­ate for an­swers,” she said.

On Sat­ur­day, Robert Richards, a busi­ness­man from the US Vir­gin Is­lands, said in a post on his Face­book page that Abreu, a pas­sen­ger from the miss­ing ves­sel, was res­cued af­ter he was found drift­ing in the sea off Ch­aguara­mas and tak­en to Grena­da.

He wrote: “We found this young man 30 miles off­shore of Trinidad in some sporty sea con­di­tions fight­ing for his life, he had been in the wa­ter for 19 hours, while we were bring­ing our new boats back. He was on a boat that sunk the night be­fore with 20 oth­er peo­ple on board, so far no oth­er sur­vivors, they were on their way to Trinidad to buy food be­cause there home of Is­la De Mar­gari­ta a Venezuela is­land has lim­it­ed food that’s very ex­pen­sive, it’s a very sad thing go­ing on there GOD bless the lost ones !”

How­ev­er, Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty Min­is­ter Stu­art Young told the T&T Guardian as far as he is aware no one has been picked up in the open sea. He said the T&T Coast Guard has been pa­trolling the area and is al­ways on the look­out for ves­sels in this coun­try’s ter­ri­to­r­i­al wa­ters.

“As far as I am in­formed, no bod­ies, ves­sels, or any oth­er con­tent that may be ex­pect­ed on a boat, have been spot­ted by the Coast Guard,” Young said.

T&T is a pre­ferred des­ti­na­tion for Venezue­lans flee­ing eco­nom­ic hard­ships.

“In Loren­zo’s case he want­ed to bring his wife here for a bet­ter life and his son, his on­ly son but he does not know what hap­pened to them. It is too many hours al­ready and they were com­ing on the sea,” Zoque said.

Jose Ma­ta, whose 19-year-old nephew Adri­an was al­so on the ves­sel, scoffed at the idea that of­fi­cials of the Venezue­lan Em­bassy in T&T would be will­ing to help.

“The Em­bassy doesn’t even help us. It is go­ing to be a waste of time. The Em­bassy on­ly put their hands in some­thing when they have a po­lit­i­cal in­ter­est,” he said.

There are un­con­firmed re­ports that an­oth­er ves­sel, which left Mar­gari­ta Is­land off of Venezuela with about 20 on board, is al­so miss­ing.

Re­ports of a boat mishap in the wa­ters be­tween T&T and Venezuela comes just weeks af­ter 11 of 34 peo­ple, most­ly women, were res­cued af­ter the boat they were on sank near Patos Is­land, in the Drag­on’s Mouth on April 23.

In that in­ci­dent, the pirogue B/P Jhim­maly Jose, which had sailed from Las Sali­nas in Güiria, was over­loaded when it ex­pe­ri­enced en­gine fail­ure and sank.

Zoque said she be­lieves more Venezue­lans are risk­ing their lives to come to T&T be­cause of the one year amnesty that is be­ing of­fered. The reg­is­tra­tion pe­ri­od for the amnesty is May 31 to June 14.

“Ob­vi­ous­ly peo­ple will want to come here to get that op­por­tu­ni­ty. It is like you hear the Unit­ed States giv­ing free work per­mit so you run to get it,” she said.

“It’s like you have fam­i­ly and friends go­ing to Cana­da to work so imag­ine if you get this news you can come here to work and you don’t have prob­lems…no jail or any­thing will hap­pen to you. Right now we just want the chance to sur­vive,” she said.

Zoque said de­spite the tur­moil in her home­land, Venezue­lans yearn to re­turn.

“We want our stuff to fix back. For sure 100 per cent of us will go back to Venezuela be­cause we are strangers here. We are like aliens,” she said, not­ing the lan­guage and cul­tur­al bar­ri­ers in Trinidad & Tobago.