Trinidad: ‘Hot mouth’ Irene celebrates 104th birthday

Irene Barrington, of Fyzabad, celebrated her 104th birthday on Saturday with her children and grandchildren.
Irene Barrington, of Fyzabad, celebrated her 104th birthday on Saturday with her children and grandchildren.

(Trinidad Guardian) Proud­ly singing her re­li­gious songs, Irene Bar­ring­ton de­clared, “I love my singing and I love every­body who loves their singing.”

Singing is Irene’s favourite pas­time, es­pe­cial­ly now that her health, in the past three weeks, has de­te­ri­o­rat­ed some­what.

So, at 104 she spends a lot of time singing and ly­ing down.

Cel­e­brat­ing her birth­day with her chil­dren and oth­er rel­a­tives at Robert Trace in Fyz­abad on Sat­ur­day, Irene ser­e­nad­ed her­self and oth­ers.

Af­ter singing “One Day At a Time, Sweet Je­sus,” she joked with Guardian Me­dia’s video jour­nal­ist Ivan Toolsie ask­ing, “What you want bet­ter than that, noth­ing.”

This moth­er of eight, grand­moth­er of 25, great-grand­moth­er of 45 and great-great-grand­moth­er of 60, al­so has a saucy mouth. Three of her chil­dren have since died.

Her sec­ond-born, Miri­am Floyd, 76, said her moth­er al­ways had a hot mouth and was a very forth­right per­son.

“She was a very hard work­ing per­son, a no-non­sense per­son. The way she brought us up the things chil­dren do­ing now ah days we could not do that. Her mouth was very saucy, it still hot. She was a very se­ri­ous per­son. She nev­er bring up chil­dren any­how or way­ward. Up to now, I am 76-years-old and I nev­er one day ste­ups or say damn in front of my moth­er to tell you how we grow with that re­spect. She said her moth­er, an In­de­pen­dent Bap­tist, al­so en­sured that they went to church every Sun­day even if they were sick.

Their fa­ther passed away in 1992 at the age of 78. Irene grew up in George Vil­lage, Table­land and did do­mes­tic work. As for her moth­er’s se­cret to longevi­ty, Floyd said, “Is through God. God has her liv­ing for so long.”

She is the longest liv­ing per­son in the his­to­ry of their fam­i­ly. She said her moth­er used to get up, wash her clothes and cook, but she has not been well in the past few weeks.

De­spite her age, Floyd said her moth­er nev­er had any spe­cial di­et. While Irene ate what­ev­er she felt like, her favourite meals are yam and salt-fish and fish and coo-coo. The great-great-grand­moth­er had this mes­sage for the young peo­ple, “Obey your par­ents and the el­der­ly.” Asked what was her birth­day wish, Irene said, “Every­thing I get to­day.”

Ac­knowl­edg­ing her fail­ing health, she said, “I can­not work again. I have to rest now. All I could do is sit down and sing.”

Af­ter giv­ing a ren­di­tion of Hold­ing On To Je­sus, she said, “I just love my singing. I singing in the day, I sing in the night. I singing all the time.”

The fam­i­ly got a beau­ti­ful birth­day cake for her and cel­e­brat­ed her life with prayer.