Georgetown Chamber warns gov’t against signing MoU with Trinidad

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) today warned the government here against signing a MoU on a number of areas with Trinidad and Tobago until Port of Spain removes Non-Tariff Barriers (NTB) on Guyanese goods.

It was the latest salvo by local business interests who resent the deepening Trinidadian interest in oil and gas and other sectors here when Port-of-Spain has for decades been accused of throwing up unacceptable barriers to a range of Guyanese goods.

Trinidad’s Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley is here at the head of a delegation for an agricultural conference and it is expected than an MoU will be signed with the Guyana Government.

In a press release today, the Chamber said that it is cognisant of the Government of Guyana’s intent to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Government of Trinidad and Tobago.

It said that according to reports, the target areas for the MoU are intended to be agriculture, energy and national security.

“The Chamber wishes to express its disagreement with this action by the Government of Guyana. The Chamber’s concern comes in light of the fact that there are still many non-tariff barriers (NTBs) implemented by Trinidad and Tobago against Guyana. These NTBs prevent exports from Guyanese businesses and, by extension inhibit the growth of Guyanese enterprises. Accordingly, the Chamber of Commerce, as it did in 2018 with a previous MoU of a similar nature, strongly urges the Government to refrain from signing any MoU with Trinidad and Tobago until these non-tariff barriers are removed”, the Chamber said.

Being the oldest and largest private-sector representation organization in Guyana, it is our mandate to ensure that the concerns of the enterprises that have continuously expressed difficulties as it relates to doing business in and with Trinidad and Tobago are voiced. The Chamber of Commerce, therefore, reiterates its disagreement with this action by the Government of Guyana and, once again, urges that these long-standing NTBs be removed.



Georgetown Chamber of Commerce & Industry on

The establishment of a MoU between the Government of Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago

The Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) is cognisant of the Government of Guyana’s intent to establish and sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Government of Trinidad and Tobago. According to reports, the target areas for the MoU are intended to be agriculture, energy and national security.

The Chamber wishes to express its disagreement with this action by the Government of Guyana. The Chamber’s concern comes in light of the fact that there are still many non-tariff barriers (NTBs) implemented by Trinidad and Tobago against Guyana. These NTBs prevent exports from Guyanese businesses and, by extension inhibit the growth of Guyanese enterprises. Accordingly, the Chamber of Commerce, as it did in 2018 with a previous MoU of a similar nature, strongly urges the Government to refrain from signing any MoU with Trinidad and Tobago until these non-tariff barriers are removed.

Being the oldest and largest private-sector representation organization in Guyana, it is our mandate to ensure that the concerns of the enterprises that have continuously expressed difficulties as it relates to doing business in and with Trinidad and Tobago are voiced. The Chamber of Commerce, therefore, reiterates its disagreement with this action by the Government of Guyana and, once again, urges that these long-standing NTBs be removed.