Sinkhole opens up on Mahaica Road after culvert fails

The sinkhole (Ministry of Public Works photo)
The sinkhole (Ministry of Public Works photo)

The Ministry of Public Works is notifying the general public of a failed culvert along the Mahaica Road, just before Chris Auto Sales, and wishes to assure everyone that steps are being taken immediately to repair it.

“For persons traversing this East Coast Demerara area, please do so with caution, as the sinkhole which is in the middle of the southern carriage way is deep, and not visible when approaching.

Please note that with these immediate emergency works, sections of the road will be cordoned off, and drivers are especially being asked to adhere to all road signage, and to follow the direction of ministry staff and officers is this area”.

The Ministry wishes to thank citizens for their understanding, and continued support, as we work to enhance the country’s infrastructural landscape.