A pinch of temerity

There always something new to discover
There always something new to discover

It would not be an understatement to say that our world’s youth is the most powerful group that exists. We have the ability to shape tomorrow’s history. We can end wars and stop bloodshed, but we can also start revolutions that will change the very nature of society.

We are powerful, not because we are young, but because the amount of time that stretches in front of us gives us the hope to believe that every effort we make is worth the energy that it takes.

Have you ever stopped yourself from doing something because you believed that the time and energy that you put into it would not be worth the outcome? To put it in a different way, have you ever given up on something before you even started it?

When you fall asleep every night, there is always a small moment, right before you slip out of consciousness, when your regrets from the day that has just ended combine with the anticipations for the day you will wake up to. At the core of this strange mixture of thoughts and emotions lies a single burning question –  What am I worth?

We all go through the motions of a routine that we have constructed. We have good days, as well as bad ones, and we survive them all. Most importantly, however, we all have something that tethers us to our lives – a reason to keep us from breaking our promises, or giving up on our responsibilities as soon as we meet a bad day. The reasons may be different for each person. For some, it may be their family or friends, and for others, it is the need to achieve something or make a change. So, when for some reason, we ask ourselves what we are worth, we have the ability to remind ourselves that we are worth the unique reason that we live for.

Many young people suffer from worthlessness and depression because they are unable to find their own answer to that burning question. This is not because they do not have a purpose or reason as yet, but it is because they simply have not been around long enough to figure it out. They give up on themselves before they have even finished becoming who they are meant to be.

It is at this stage that a pinch of temerity becomes truly important. It becomes important to have just a little bit of irrational courage, or a strange entitlement that helps you understand that your place in this world is not something that you have to earn or fight for, it is something that you already deserve and have always deserved since the moment you were born.

So, go forth and seek your purpose. Use every bit of your knowledge and strength to fight a great struggle or fix the most enormous problem. But then, if you fail or find that your fights do not lead you to success, remember that you can always start fresh.

For as long as you have breath in your lungs, a beating heart and the memories of what brought you the moment you are living, then there is always something beautiful and new for you to discover. You only need to have the courage to believe that you deserve it.