Guyana News

 The latest Guyana news from Stabroek News including oil and gas coverage, crime, politics, culture, business and more.

Arrow pointing to the rotted section of the GTT pole which stands just in front of one of the buildings in the compound of the Mercy Wings Vocational School in Sophia. (Photo by Keno George)
Arrow pointing to the rotted section of the GTT pole which stands just in front of one of the buildings in the compound of the Mercy Wings Vocational School in Sophia. (Photo by Keno George)

Rotted GTT pole endangering Mercy Wings school

Staff of the Mercy Wings Vocational School in Sophia are pleading with the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GTT) to address a leaning telephone pole in front of their building.

Windies name squad for Pakistan T20s

ST JOHN’S, Antigua, CMC — West Indies selectors today named a 16-man squad to face Pakistan in the upcoming four-match Twenty20 series in Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago.

The order made by Minister of Communities Ronald Bulkan yesterday. It was posted by acting Mayor Sherod Duncan on his Facebook page.

Bulkan orders suspension of city parking by-laws

Minister of Communities Ronald Bulkan yesterday ordered the suspension of the by-laws for the city’s controversial metered parking system for 90 days as government effectively took the decision out of the hands of the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) on bringing the project to a halt.

  Volda Lawrence

Lawrence to try again to explain drug purchases

With questions mounting over the legality of recent drug purchases for the Georgetown hospital and the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) calling for a full investigation, Minister of Public Health Volda Lawrence is expected to issue a second explanation to clarify the matter as the government faces a major controversy over the violation of procurement rules.

Carvil Duncan

Duncan says free security, utilities benefits pulled

Suspended Chairman of the Public Service Commission (PSC) Carvil Duncan says that the removal of free security, telephone and electricity benefits, which he had been entitled to since taking office in 2014, is politically-motivated and he plans to approach the High Court to have them restored.

Moruca farmer chopped to death

A businessman and farmer of Moruca, North West District was brutally chopped to death yesterday morning while on his way to his farm, and the suspect, said to be of unsound mind, has been taken into custody.

Seed paddy project for Wales estate to start soon – Holder

Agriculture Minister Noel Holder yesterday told Wales sugar workers that GuySuCo and the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) are about to conclude a pact where the GRDB will provide funding for a seed paddy project and in a few days land preparation will restart, allowing them another work option.

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