
Venezuelans walk on a highway, after crossing the border between Venezuela and Colombia, in Paraguachon, Colombia February 16, 2018. (Reuters photo)
Venezuelans walk on a highway, after crossing the border between Venezuela and Colombia, in Paraguachon, Colombia February 16, 2018. (Reuters photo)

‘Migrate or die’: Venezuelans flood into Colombia despite crackdown

MAICAO/CUCUTA, Colombia, (Reuters) – The desert wind whipping their faces, hundreds of Venezuelan migrants lugging heavy suitcases and overstuffed backpacks trudge along the road to the Colombian border town of Maicao beneath the blazing sun.

GuySuCo needs $30b over four years –SPU

Funding of $30 billion (US$150m) is being sought for the sugar industry over the next four years, according to a statement yesterday from government holding company, NICIL and its Special Purpose Unit (SPU) set up to oversee privatisation of GuySuCo’s estates.

The flagpole being removed on Thursday after permission for the flag-raising was denied.

Bulkan saddened at blocked Corriverton flag-raising

By Marcelle Thomas and Bebi Oosman While he is saddened at the blocking of the  Corriverton flag-raising ceremony by the police  last Thursday evening, Minister of Communities Ronald Bulkan has rebuked town councillors there for  what he said was their yielding to political pressure from the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) instead of upholding protocols and conventions.

New UG council named

Despite objections from the unions at the University of Guyana (UG) over the selection process, Government has announced the composition of the new UG Council.

Region Eight to get more trained teachers

As the government seeks to increase the number of trained teachers in Region Eight, the Ministry of Education, through the Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE), on February 21 relaunched the Teachers Upgrading Programme at the Paramakatoi Secondary School, North Pakaraimas.

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