
U.S. President Barack Obama sheds a tear while delivering a statement on steps the administration is taking to reduce gun violence in the East Room of the White House in Washington yesterday. Reuters/Carlos Barria
U.S. President Barack Obama sheds a tear while delivering a statement on steps the administration is taking to reduce gun violence in the East Room of the White House in Washington yesterday. Reuters/Carlos Barria

Obama, wiping tears, makes new push to tighten gun rules

WASHINGTON, (Reuters) – Wiping back tears as he remembered children killed in a mass shooting, President Barack Obama yesterday ordered stricter gun rules that he can impose without Congress and urged American voters to reject pro-gun candidates.

Meten-Meer-Zorg fisherman found dead in net

Investigations are being conducted into the circumstances surrounding the death of fisherman Shahabudeen Haniff, 49 years, of Meten-Meer-Zorg, WCD, whose body was found in the net of a fishing vessel that was working in the vicinity of the Berbice River, during yesterday, the police said today.

Skeldon factory spurred GuySuCo $$ woes – CoI

From its inception, the Skeldon sugar modernisation project proved to be an enormous financial burden on GuySuCo and the government ignored advice from the company’s manager, Booker Tate to fire controversial Chinese contractor, CNTIC, according to the report of the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into the industry.

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