
Boko Haram shows changing al Qaeda threat

(Reuters) – The kidnapping of more than 200 Nigerian schoolgirls last month has sparked global outrage, launched an international manhunt and instantly turned an obscure West African militant group into a household name in the United States.

China to scrap millions of cars in anti-pollution push

BEIJING, (Reuters) – China plans to take more than five million ageing vehicles off the roads this year in a bid to improve air quality, with 330,000 cars set to be decommissioned in Beijing alone, the government said in a policy document published on Monday.

French far right in “earthquake” win as Europe votes

BRUSSELS, (Reuters) – Marine Le Pen’s far right National Front scored a stunning first victory in European Parliament elections in France yesterday as critics of the European Union registered a continent-wide protest vote against austerity and mass unemployment.

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