
EU eyes warmer Cuba ties with push for new accord

BRUSSELS (Reuters) – The European Union agreed yesterday to launch negotiations with Cuba to increase trade, investment and dialogue on human rights in its most significant diplomatic shift since Brussels lifted sanctions on the communist-ruled country in 2008.

A United Nations and Syrian Arab Red Crescent aid convoy in a street in Homs city yesterday (Reuters/ SANA/Handout via Reuters)

UN aid convoy struck in Syria’s besieged Homs

BEIRUT (Reuters) – An aid convoy came under fire in a besieged rebel district of Homs yesterday, threatening a United Nations-led operation to bring food and medicine to 2,500 people and evacuate civilians trapped by months of fighting in the Syrian city.

Justice Department to expand rights of same-sex couples

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Attorney General Eric Holder plans widespread changes within the US Justice Department to benefit same-sex married couples, such as recognizing a legal right for them not to testify against each other in civil and criminal cases, according to excerpts of a speech yesterday.

Iran says warships sailing towards US – agency

DUBAI (Reuters) – An Iranian naval officer said a number of warships had been ordered to approach US maritime borders as a response to the stationing of US vessels in the Gulf, the semi-official Fars news agency reported yesterday.

Bosnia rocked by spreading anti-government unrest

TUZLA/SARAJEVO, Bosnia, (Reuters) – Protesters across Bosnia set fire to government buildings and fought with riot police yesterday as long-simmering anger over lack of jobs and political inertia fuelled a third day of the worst civil unrest in Bosnia since a 1992-95 war.

Chris Alexander

Canada seeks to cut down on passports of convenience

OTTAWA,  (Reuters) – Canada will toughen citizenship rules to prevent foreigners from picking up Canadian passports of convenience without spending much time in the country, part of a sweeping package of reforms under legislation introduced yesterday.

Barack Obama

Delay on immigration overhaul carries big Republican risk

WASHINGTON,  (Reuters) – Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives appear increasingly unlikely to pass an immigration overhaul this year, preferring to focus their election-year strategy on a unified assault on President Barack Obama’s healthcare law.

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