
OAS nations wind up empty handed on Venezuela condemnation

CANCUN, Mexico  (Reuters) – The Organization of American States failed on Wednesday to issue a formal declaration condemning Venezuela’s government for its handling of the political and economic crisis in the South American country, despite a last-minute push by Mexico and the United States.

OAS nations wind up empty handed on Venezuela condemnation

CANCUN, Mexico  (Reuters) – The Organization of American States failed yesterday to issue a formal declaration condemning Venezuela’s government for its handling of the political and economic crisis in the South American country, despite a last-minute push by Mexico and the United States.

Russians targeted 21 election systems, U.S. official says

WASHINGTON, (Reuters) – Russian hackers targeted 21 U.S. state election systems in the 2016 presidential race and a small number were breached but there was no evidence any votes were manipulated, a Homeland Security Department official told Congress yesterday.

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