
Sunday Editorial

The unanimity of the various faiths on the subject of casino gambling has clearly taken the government off guard.

Reality show?

Racial slurs targeted at famous Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty on the popular Channel 4 television show in Britain, Celebrity Big Brother, have been around the world and back and the issue has since taken on international proportions.

The president and the party

The recent controversy concerning the President’s appointment of ministers of the new Cabinet before they were declared elected as members of parliament has given rise to considerable speculation.

The Kindness of Strangers

The world grew a little colder, and larger, last July when the BBC revealed that “‘six degrees of separation’ may be the academic equivalent of an urban myth.”

The Mazaruni menace

More of a quaint, 19th century, Victorian heritage site than a national maximum security penitentiary, the Mazaruni Prison has once again become the scene of an escape of some of its desperate inmates.

Another prison break

Friday afternoon’s escape of nine inmates from the Mazaruni penal facility and the shooting of four members of the joint services is just another manifestation of the precarious state of the nation’s security.

The Health Facilities Licensing Bill

Partly owing to the contretemps over the Gambling Prevention (Amendment) Bill which seeks to legalize casinos, the Health Facilities Licensing Bill perhaps did not receive quite the same degree of publicity last week which it otherwise might have done.

Political correctness

Last year, the Amerindian People’s Association attempted to have the National Assembly alter the title of the Amerindian Act by using the term ‘Indigenous’ rather than ‘Amerindian.’

Pirates of the Corentyne

Will Corentyne’s coastal and riverine fishermen ever be safe from the scourge of piracy or should they accept it as a permanent occupational hazard?

Virtual Communities

The current issue of Time magazine flatters its readers with the conceit that 2006 was the year of the Ordinary Person.


Having crossed into the new year and VAT land no one was expecting that the experience was going to be smooth.

A real tragedy

News that a newborn baby girl had been allegedly abducted from her mother was a talking point over the past week.

Citizen security

Responding to the surge in violent crime over the last six years, the Administration adopted a multi-dimensional approach that relies not solely on the Guyana Police Force but also on creating parallel schemes based on the greater involvement of citizens and their communities.

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