Letters to the Editor

Thoughts on the closure of Wales

Dear Editor, Listening to the invited addresses and various comments from the floor at last Friday evening’s Moray House session on the Wales estate closure, has prompted me to now share with the general public a perspective from my own intimate knowledge of the industry going back to the early sixties.

Aurora residents grateful for lights

Dear Editor, On Thursday 6th February, 2016 a visit was made to Region 2 by Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, Minister of State Joseph Harmon and the Minister of Citizenship Winston Felix and of course other senior ministry officials.

The story of two pupils

Dear Editor, Is there an explanation for why there is a vast difference in the educational standards of my two grandsons (born a week apart).

Professional help should be retained to get the WI World Cup team into a confident frame of mind

Dear Editor, It was always predictable that the attempt of some Caricom leaders to engender radical changes in the formidable WICB would peter out, as only a few of those moderately popular leaders were keenly interested in the arcane subject of cricket governance, and whatever interest there was, emanated almost solely from the circumstance that the team had been losing for so long.

Not receiving justice

Dear Editor, We are overseas-based Guyanese who want to return home with our family and encourage investors to support development in Guyana, but the authorities are making it difficult for me in seeking justice.

‘Tone of letter was harsh’

Dear Editor, I hereby offer my sincerest apologies for the tone of my letter in SN captioned ‘All forms of corporal punishment should not be abolished,’ dated January 26, in which I expressed great disappointment in President David Granger’s views concerning ending corporal punishment in the school and the home.

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