Letters to the Editor

Failure to pass the anti-money laundering bill will hurt the small man more than the government or upper echelon of the private sector

Dear Editor, As Parliament fades into an extended period of recess commencing on August 10, there is one colossal elephant in the room that if civil society doesn’t band together and apply some pressure on our political leaders for good sense to prevail, will result in the trampling of our economy and hurt the already shrinking pockets of the average and ordinary Guyanese.

We should get out of the OIC

Dear Editor,   The charge of marginalisation of Guyana’s Muslims by Shabnam Alli and Ray Chickerie, in their letter, ‘Muslims are marginalised in Guyana,’ (SN, July 28) can be easily addressed by the state, which by implication, at least, for the two writers, is culpable.

There should be a guidance counsellor in each school

Dear Editor,   The Caribbean Voice, through its social activism program, Arise, has been advocating a number of measures that are low cost or no cost, easy to implement and that could be significant in helping to tackle the suicide epidemic sweeping Guyana.

NIS minimum pension

Dear Editor, Reference is made to the letter which appeared in the Stabroek News on Thursday, July 10, 2014 under the caption ‘NIS Increases should be given to all pensioners not just those in receipt of the minimum pension.’

Opportunistic policing?

Dear Editor, Among other things, I have been writing about the crazy, nonsensical and misleading road signs in Berbice with the hope that the responsible authorities would take the necessary corrective action.

Decency has died

Dear Editor, Decency has died. It had been dying for a long time but had not before been so comprehensively dispatched to oblivion as at the present time.

Mayor & City Council situation has deteriorated

Dear Editor, The situation at the Mayor and City Council, has further deteriorated and the duly elected Mayor and Councillors of Georgetown despite what the public rightly expects, are in no position to assist or intervene in any municipal matter affecting the city.

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