Letters to the Editor

‘Proper English’

Dear Editor, If you wish to retain the readership of the older generation — even those who only skim – you need to publish in proper English.

A one-size-fits-all solution

Dear Editor, The Trinidad & Tobago-based consulting group continues, unfortunately, to befuddle Guyanese readers of Stabroek Business (‘Performance management practices: It’s not an HR “thing,”‘ April 20) with their one-size-fits-all generic solutions to practical management issues that must be contextualized, lest we do more harm than good by any such generalized, text-book approach.

Thomas’s proposal of a Budget office makes no sense

Dear Editor, The suggestion of Dr Clive Thomas in his Sunday Stabroek article of April 22, titled ‘Beyond the Budget noise‘ for a National Assembly Budget Office (NABO) is ridiculous, unnecessary, non-productive and makes no practical or economic sense.  It

The poor don’t need words, they need to be organized

Dear Editor, There is an endless stream of individuals who pontificate in the letter columns and some in their own columns and in the blogosphere on the plight of the poor in Guyana, especially the plight of the Afro-Guyanese who have been subjected to second class citizenship in their own land.

Gov’t attacks on grandchild remark pure hypocrisy

Dear Editor, Now they have their minions yapping at Moses Nagamootoo’s feet simply because he expressed a truism that is practiced throughout Guyana and literally the rest of the world – that everyone speaks sternly to their children and grandchildren from time to time. 

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