Letters to the Editor

A businessperson should construct a Personal Security Profile

Dear Editor, It is indeed heartening to see the several inputs from the various security experts including the likes of Clairmonte Featherstone who, if my memory serves me right, attended my old school, Fountain AME; Rohan Singh, Head, Presidential Guard; Alan Gates; and columnist Allan Fenty who has done yeoman service with his Crime Watch contributions.

Comparison is simplistic

Dear Editor, Hydar Ally jumps to fraudulent conclusions without close examination of the facts and without engaging in proper comparison.

The AFC aims to lift up the downtrodden

Dear Editor, On my visit to Berbice, a member of the 600-strong crowd at the Alliance For Change (AFC) Canje meeting asked me, why a young man like you still got time for Guyana, when you can just progress your life in North America and forget about “abee these”? 

‘Serve and protect’?

Dear Editor, I write to corroborate Mr Philip Allsopp’s experiences with the police sports noises (‘The police are breaking the noise nuisance law’ SN, August 12).

Phantom consulate?

Dear Editor, I’ve been in Haiti for the past seven months and would like to verify if there is a Guyana Embassy here, but it’s proving difficult.

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