Teachers in Region Five are not being paid their correct salaries

Dear Editor,

I write on behalf of all the teachers in Region Five.

I have had the opportunity of getting my hands on the revised Salary Schedule for teachers ranging from TS 1(A) to TS 19, that is from junior teacher to a principal for CPCE or GTI etc and it clearly states the salary w.e.f 2005-01-01, 2006-01-01 and 2007-01-01 respectively.

When I check my status – TS 12 (graduate senior master/mistress) the scale shows that my gross should be $100,695 w.e.f. 2007-01-01, and it was supposed to be $95,900 in 2006 and $90,472 in 2005 respectively

My present gross is $93,095 and for 2005 and 2006 I did not receive the above-mentioned gross. To date there is a difference of $7,601 in my salary, which I am being blatantly short changed every month. And no one seems to be interested. Well you can imagine, Mr Editor the amount I was robbed of in 2006 – it was $12,256 per month, that multiplied by 12 would give you $147,098. What a shame! I need my money! For 2005 I would leave you to ponder on the amount of money I was robbed.

I am asking all teachers in Region Five to check their pay slips and get a hold of this document which I have and see how you are being ripped off by the Department of Education and the chief accountant who are turning a blind eye on this issue. I also hope that when the regional education officer sees this letter she will take note. The minister of education visited this Region on the 28th February, 2007 and was appalled at the poor performance of both teachers and students, he can now see the reason for such, since we are being robbed with our eyes wide open.

I also would like the relevant authorities at the Ministry of Finance and the Teaching Service Commission to take note of such gross inaccuracies.

Our brothers and sisters in the other regions are doing better than us since they are in receipt of their correct salaries. This I can confirm from speaking with teachers in Region Four and Region Five.

Also I would like for the Ministry of Education and the Teaching Service Commission to indicate to teachers in Region 5, who are acting in various senior positions, what is the correct amount of money they should receive for the acting allowance. Here again teachers are being under paid with a sum of $630 per month.

Regional Education Officer and Chief Accountant please take note!

When it comes to paying teachers less money see Region 5 Accounts Depart-ment, who rely on the Education Department for information.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Jainarin Singh

Graduate Master

Editor’s note:

We are sending copies of this letter to the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Education for any comments they may wish to make.