GWI’s new Kingston well is the problem

Dear Editor,
I have seen what appears to be nothing more than a murky response or reaction to my letter by the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI).

The point of contention is not the equally important aspect of water-quality as it relates to a shortage of alum. Instead it is the non-existent and low-water pressure about which the GWI seeks to shift the blame to the Guyana Power and Light Inc; citing frequent power outages, that is the core issue.

In an effort to offer some clarity on this matter and so avoid members of the public from being misled by GWI’s tainted response, I wish to point out that power-outages in Kingston do not result in the reduction of water supply. Rather, whenever there is a power-outage, no water is supplied.

In recent days, GWI’s service has become progressively worse with no water being supplied at various times of the day even when there is electricity. From the half-baked explanation provided by the company, it does appear that there was a deliberate effort to cloud some of the facts surrounding low water pressure.

In this context, I am putting it to GWI that since the construction of the $52 million new Kingston well by Sadhna Petroleum closer to the Demerara River, the ward of Kingston continues to be the unfortunate beneficiary of non-existent, low and unpredictable water pressure for more than one year now.

The GWI, Public Utilities Commission and the relevant parliamentary sectoral committee need to investigate why a brand new well is offering such poor service compared to the old one on Battery Road.
Yours faithfully,