‘Uneasy lies the head…’

Dear Editor,
“Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.”  When I read Mr Bisram’s letter in SN of November 26, captioned ‘Obama should be given a chance to settle in,’ this line from Shakespeare’s Henry IV came to mind.

So much seems to be expected of the USA’s President-elect.  According to the letter, everywhere people “are hoping an Obama will rise among them to lead the charge for change… people are placing hope in Obama… people look to him for global leadership seeing him as their President… people the world over have come to see the election of President Obama as ushering in a new world order characterized by peace, global cooperation and hope,” etc.

Presumably, in the light of so much hope and faith placed in one young man, a political commentator recently remarked that we have seen the walking on water, now let us see the loaves and fishes.  Or, as Mr Bisram suggests, “Obama must be given a chance to settle in and people should take a sober view of the new president.”

At the same time, let us not overlook the important (derivative) role of his wife, Michelle.
Yours faithfully,
Geralda Dennison