Spay female dogs

Dear Editor,
Several months ago, while watching a good movie at the Castellani  House, a group of dogs were heard fighting; the noise did not last too long and moved off to another location. The next day I happened to be in the same area speaking to some Presidential Guards. They informed me they had a female in heat, which explained the fighting dogs heard the night before. I was amazed to hear how much the Guards loved their dog. They said she was an excellent watchdog and picked up on every sound at night. They also said she made lots of puppies and people would just come and take them. I asked if they would like her to stop producing and informed them of the many benefits of spaying.

They all agreed that would be a good solution. Early one morning, after she came out of heat, we had her spayed. I saw her again last week; she looked happy and was ‘on guard’ with the Presidential Guards. I was told she (like her late father) sometimes even leads their parade. The guards agreed they can see a big difference in her now; she is stronger, healthier and happier and no longer stressed.

Prevent cruelty and over-population; spay and neuter your pets please!  Many thanks to all the good people who support the spaying of female dogs in Guyana.
Yours faithfully,
Syeada Manbodh