We should concern ourselves with how we are perceived

Dear Editor,
It is traditional at the beginning of every year for us to prepare our ‘to do’ list and/or resolutions. Also we examine and reflect on our achievements and disappointments over the past year. Some lack the discipline or motivation to monitor their list throughout the year whilst others just simply tuck it away until another year comes by for amendments to be included in the next one.

However, I feel that there is a bigger picture than the ‘to do’ list, and that is the image we reflect in the mirror of humankind which is how we are perceived in our day-to-day relationships with each other.

I conclude with what I think is an appropriate quotation from Shadows by Khalil Gibran.

“How unjust to themselves are those who turn their backs to the sun

And see naught except the shadows of their physical selves upon the earth.”

A Happy 2k10 to you all.

Yours faithfully,
V.O. Patrick.