Noise nuisance continues unabated

Dear Editor,

I came across this old SN newspaper (enclosed) from November 26, 1988, showing for how long complaints have been made about noise nuisance and its effects, yet nothing tangible has been done.

Now that the laws have been modified to rein in the abusers, one would have thought that there would have been a spontaneous reduction in the lawlessness, but it seems additions to the old laws have given a fillip to the abusers as the frequency and loudness of the music have intensified tremendously. Why pass laws and not enforce them?

One wonders why no definite and elaborate action has been taken to stop this assault on those affected, knowing the gross deleterious effects it has. Just why? Let me highlight one example, Editor: An old lady holidaying in Guyana had to leave the house where she was staying because she could not tolerate the decibel level emanating from a church opposite in Besty Ground. Many complaints have been made against this church, but how hypocritical it is of those claiming to love God and their fellow man who still persist in irritating others at least twice a week for hours at a time.

Before closing, driving from Corriverton to New Amsterdam last night there were over 40 interruptions with animals on the road creating irritation and near misses in terms of accidents. When are we going to curtail these too?

Yours faithfully,
Maurice Sookram