The government should allow the debate on the way it has governed this country

Dear Editor,

When the AFC indicated enough was enough, when it indicated that our people can no longer suffer the neglect, the hardships, the squandermania, the PPP’s demonstration of contempt for parliament, for the peoples’ voice, and threatened a no-confidence motion against the government that would result in the government resigning, the President said “Bring it on!”

Now the AFC brought it on the government stalled for time to think of ways to forestall it. So now the President who said “Bring it on!” threatens early elections if the NC is pushed. Well the no-confidence motion was to bring early elections, so I do not understand the threat. He is threatening to bring on what the opposition wants through the no-confidence motion.

He now speaks of proroguing Parliament if the opposition forces the motion. Well no problem. If he prorogues and brings on early elections, then fine. It’s what we want. If on the other hand he prorogues parliament in order to misrule for another six months then what we would effectively have is a dictatorship.

In the past we had rigged parliaments. Now the PPP will now have done away with it completely. Then, you still had debates under this dispensation but if the President prorogues parliament we would have no debates. We will then have the open dictatorial rule of the corrupt PPP.

The President would have eaten his brave call for the opposition to “Bring it on!”

The President should allow the debate on the way it has governed this country. It should not duck away from this. He moved from the call for us to bring it on to a wimpering message that he would prorogue parliament.

The PPP is running scared of the electorate, its own supporters, who quite rightly have become sickened by the daily atrocities committed by this government, the Anil Nandlall episode being the most recent in a series of scandals that shook this corrupt government.

There is a longing for change, genuine change; a longing for betterment, a longing for economic relief and these among others are promised by the Alliance For Change.

The people of this country must demand elections. Our people must break away from the divisive politics that have drained our energies; that have stultified our resource rich country; that have put a break on development. Change has now become the only means to guarantee a future for ourselves and our children and grandchildren. Change is now a necessity.

Yours faithfully,

Rajendra Bisessar