Governments should hold referenda on major decisions

Dear Editor,

A referendum is a very rare occurrence in the Caribbean. Britain holding a referendum on breaking from the European Union should be a lesson for the globe, particularly Guyana and the anglophone Caribbean – have a national vote on any major decision such as a constitutional matter or treaty, etc.

In the UK, parliament, itself did not decide to hold a vote among its members to break from Europe, as Caribbean countries tend to do when there is a major decision to be made. Instead, the British Prime Minister and his government decided to seek the voice of the entire nation on whether they should exit from the EU. It is no accident that several of the democracies of the EU also held a vote (referendum) on whether they should join the EU or accept the euro as the national currency. And Britain held a referendum in 1975 on whether to remain in the union (European Community, as it was then). Last June’s vote reversed that earlier decision. Britain also held a vote on whether Scotland should secede from the UK with Scottish voters rejecting a break-up. Where in the Caribbean has a similar Brexit vote been undertaken on any issue?

No vote was ever held on forming or joining Caricom. No vote was ever held on breaking from the Privy Council and/or establishing or joining the CCJ. No vote was ever held on breaking from Britain. No vote was ever held in the region on constitutional reform (except the rigged referendum in Burnham’s Guyana). St Vincent is about the only country that had a vote on constitutional reform and whether to replace the Privy Council with the CCJ; the voters said no.

Certain governments in the region promised a vote on the CCJ.  That will never happen as politicians fear the voice of the people – rejection. In Trinidad, the government is afraid of holding a referendum to replace the Privy Council. Jamaica does not want to take a risk on holding a vote on the CCJ fearing voters’ rejection.

Why are regional politicians so afraid of the voice of the people? Why aren’t they asking the people for their voice in a referendum on constitutional matters and major decision-making? Is it that they fear the outcome would be the opposite of what they want? Let the majority of people, not the self-serving majority in parliament, decide what is collectively best for the nation.

Yours faithfully,

Vishnu Bisram