Parliamentary TV ads help me to escape traffic chaos

Dear Editor,

I should like to agree with fellow pensioner Nowrang Persaud (SN Aug 5, 2016, “Why advertise parliamentary sittings on TV when email etc. is available?”) that the taxpayer’s money be used efficiently. However, I ask that he relent from picking on the parliamentary TV ads.

You see, this pensioner is still able to supplement his small pension from the years of service to Guyana by activities that require travelling in Georgetown. And when Parliament convenes the effect of the traffic diversions spreads far and wide. King St and South Road become overloaded. Those escaping via South Road, Church St and Camp St meet as far as Albert St, with intensification of chaos from many numerous road users looking out for themselves. Those few who show some sense of restraint to allow a flow of traffic at the cost of waiting, are rudely blown at by uncaring, selfish opportunists.

Therefore, in order to cling to some vestige of sanity in daily city travel, I rely on notifications from less able pensioners, who watch TV, so as to avoid doing business in those areas when Parliament is in session. I am thus able to survive the imperfection of our complex society a little longer by making use of cancelling evils where we spot them. (Let nothing I say here be construed as condoning the creation of more chaos.)

Yours faithfully,

 Alfred Bhulai