Georgetown needs leadership which holds us to a higher standard

Dear Editor,

The absence of authority creates the inability for one to exercise the power of his office; this is where I find myself as a councillor after eight months at the Georgetown Mayor and City Council.
Along the journey thus far, we have seen the lack of proper city management; the unethical and blatant abuse of powers given; and the misuse of taxpayers’ dollars. We have also been witness to the obscene treatment of the residents within the city, whether commercial or private.
With thirty people being separated by fifteen constituencies within the capital city, it is expected that we choose a leader capable of leading thirty people along with the more than 220,000 people located in those fifteen constituencies.

A leader must be chosen for the year ahead who possesses the potential to develop the people under his or her stewardship; one who sees the importance of empowering councillors, and giving them the authority to function as stewards within their respective constituencies. A leader who has the integrity and poise to stand not by, but up to corruption. One who understands the importance of proper financial accountability and transparency.

As a council and a municipality we have not been able to clearly outline the direction of Georgetown and the vision for the city in the coming years. We need a clear and guiding light, which can bring a distinct sense of belonging and purpose to a process which is supposed to yield forward-thinking development, transparent investments, cooperation with governments and agencies and a better life for the citizens of Georgetown. But instead we have yielded a time-loop of doubtful contracts and a lack of transparency on financial matters.

And it is because of our current situation, that as the leaders and policy-makers of the capital we have lost hope in the very city we vowed to uphold, “fairly and justly without fear or favour”. If we have lost hope, it is my fear that the people who placed us here have lost their hope in us. We need renewed leadership, one which endeavours to hold us to a higher standard, one that is built on servanthood and not personal gain.

I look forward to bright days ahead for Georgetown, my Garden City, a pinnacle of light for the world to see. But in order for this to be a reality, we must be led by someone who believes that; one who will speak and work it into being. I’m ready to support a change for vision and to embrace leadership not based on politics or political parties. I would rather support the drive to formulate policies to make the lives of our citizens better, safer and healthier.
May we serve, knowing our greatness is measured in our service.

Yours faithfully,
(Name and address provided)