Fine Leaf Thyme

Thymus vulgaris commonly called Fine Leaf Thyme originated in the Mediterranean and is the cousin of Spanish Thyme which has finer leaves.

This herb has adjusted well into the Caribbean and is used to flavour many Caribbean dishes.  It is also in great demand for the Christmas season. Can you imagine Garlic Pork without Fine Leaf Thyme?  Last week, Bourda Market did not have enough Thyme for all the overseas visitors who wanted to take back some with them.

Fine Leaf Thyme is a small, woody shrub with small green leaves, bearing small white flowers with yellowish centres. It has a fragrant smell and chefs and housewives love to use fresh Thyme to flavour soups, stews, salads and meats. Excess leaves can be sun dried and stored in sealed containers or used to make green seasoning.

Thyme can be used as an ornamental plant as it forms a mini hedge. It is also used in herbal medicine.

Make sure that it gets plenty of sunlight. Plant in well-drained sandy soil. It can be propagated by cuttings or seeds.  Fertilize with Miracle Gro All Purpose Plant Food once every 2 weeks.

NB:  With the heavy rainfall check your plant pots for drainage and you may even have to lift your potted plants to higher grounds.  Do be careful in the floodwater.

Until next week, Happy Gardening.