Protest action is uncalled for

Dear Editor,

VAT has been supported by all Guyanese, except some businesses and now it looks like the PNCR is joining the bandwagon with C.N Sharma for protest action or “Shut down of City.”

The truth of the matter is that businesses will suffer in such an eventuality!

Why should businesses and Guyanese support such a call? Activities such as these only serve to destroy our country rather than build it.

Everyone is crying VAT. Let us be fair to the GRA. VAT is only in the initial stages and there will be hiccups.

This has happened in all other countries.

What we need to remind ourselves is that VAT will result in a better living for us all a few months down the line and therefore protest actions and “a shut down of the country” is uncalled for.

No one should support this call.

Yours faithfully,

Ruth Gomes