Not impressed with Freddie’s column

Dear Editor,

I read Freddie Kissoon’s column dealing with Shri Prakash Gossai, captioned ‘Will Shri Gossai become gossamery’.

In his fourth paragraph he stated “I don’t know Shri Gossai at all. Never heard about him. Never talked to him. Never met with him” And at paragraph 7 he goes on: “Mr Gossai cannot be the type of wonderful person so many have painted him when he has decided to take a job working closely for one of the most unpopular governments in the western hemisphere.”

Mr Kissoon writes anything that comes to his mind and he feels he impresses. If he never heard about Shri Gossai (para 4), how does he know that many have painted him as a wonderful person (para 7)?

Freddie then goes on to write that the PPP won the election again due to the race vote. Is this the considered opinion of a scientific analyst that Kissoon purports to be? The PPP won by 56% of the votes cast. The Indo-Guyanese voting strength is about 43%. Where have the 13% come from?

I have never heard such nonsense.

Yours faithfully,

Sharda Singh