Holy wars and democratically elected dictatorship

Dear Editor,

Some months ago I wrote about the word “Oxymoron” with reference to “Holy Wars”. For the love of me I am yet to understand how humans can arrive at the conclusion that God dictated or at least approved of one side killing his creatures on the other side; that their killing furthered God’s desire and cause.

A few nights ago, during a conversation with my nephew I said to him “imagine we have a democratically elected dictatorship”. My nephew’s first reaction was to laugh at me until I pointed out to him how serious I really was. I brought a few examples to his attention e.g. Kerik, Stabroek News ads boycott, Buddy’s hotel loan, Berbice River Bridge, to name only a few. I also had to talk about George Bush and his flagrant defiance of everyone to pursue a further build-up of troops in Iraq. These are but a few examples of what democracy has brought to the modern world. Once you have a majority, to hell with the minority.

Yours faithfully,

Randolph Joseph Eleazar