There should be more urgency about the talks with the opposition

Dear Editor,

I find it sad that Presidential Advisor Gail Teixeira told Stabroek News that the continued talks regarding an agreed framework for enhanced political co-operation between the government and the parliamentary opposition are unlikely to resume before the upcoming Cricket World Cup. These talks as well as the discussions regarding holding local government elections this year must take priority over even the Rio Summit and WCC. The good work by the government is tarnished by these decisions.

The President has a Prime Minister, WCC Local Organising Committee and secretariat who should be capable of proceeding with the efforts in all these areas, without holding up critical local political issues. I hope the President is not saying that if he is not continuously involved nothing will get done. If so, he needs a better staff and ministers. I have a feeling that this may be more true than one would admit.

Yours faithfully,

(name and address supplied)