The traffic trial run for the World Cup was a disaster

Dear Editor,

Thank you for publishing my letter regarding the misuse of the West Demerara Police vehicle, I do not see it traversing the Demerara Harbour bridge at the hours that I had mentioned. This is enough evidence of misuse. Mr. Commissioner, do not sweep this case under the proverbial carpet. Investigate and punish those culpable.

The “trial run” for CWC with regards to traffic on the east bank road corridor was, in my opinion, an unmitigated failure, resulting in total chaos for those who use the roadway on a daily basis. I spent 40 minutes moving from the eastern retractor span to Agricola, a journey that normally takes 4 minutes. I wish to recommend that there should be no restriction of any lane(s) and all the traffic will flow very smoothly. Where is the need to restrict traffic on a roadway that has been constructed to, and does facilitate the smooth flow of traffic. Does this happen anywhere in the industralised nations?

The advertisement issues between Stabroek News and GINA/His Excellency President Jagdeo is very clear to the masses. Do not feel that because the masses are silent that they do not understand what is happening, it is that they are too taken up with their daily survival for them to fight for Stabroek News. The government of Guyana is blatantly flexing its economic muscle to muzzle Stabroek News. You guys are asking too many hard questions – continue the job.

Yours faithfully,

A. Khan