Water Users Associations face the problem of clogged drains

Dear Editor,

It was reported in the newspaper that the Water Users Associations (WUAs) have, in the main, failed to function as expected and many of the secondary channels are now completely clogged with aquatic weeds and silt and can neither irrigate nor drain rice fields. This with the various reports previously of the failure of various local governments and groups to upkeep or supervise projects that benefit them and their communities makes it hard to fault the government for doing nothing. When will they step up and take responsibility for some of the mess we are in? At what level does shared governance begin?

By the way why are there no rapid response police teams located in the three counties? Why are 7 to 15 men allowed to terrorise the Berbice community then wait for a special force from Georgetown hours later?

Yours faithfully,

(name and address supplied)