Man denies setting fire to fruit trees

A 37-year-old man accused of setting fire to some fruit trees and behaving in a threatening manner was released on bail when he appeared at the Vreed-en-Hoop Magistrate’s Court Friday.

Imtiaz Ally called ‘Imran’ of 6 De Riders Faith, Canal Number One, West Bank Demerara pleaded not guilty to a charge of setting fire to agricultural produce and three charges of threatening behaviour, threatening language and obscene language and was released on $25,000 bail by Magistrate Fazil Azeez.

It is alleged that on February 6 at De Riders Faith, Ally maliciously set fire to a mango and citrus fruit grove. The charge did not name the owner of the grove.

It is also alleged that the next day in the same location, he behaved in a threatening manner to Jahaid Esahack and made use of threatening language towards him. On the same day also he allegedly made use of obscene language to Bibi Halima Esahack.

Ally will return to court on March 13 at Vreed-en-Hoop.