Will these improvements be maintained?

Dear Editor,

It has been a pleasure to see the great strides being made. With the hosting of the Rio Summit and now with the upcoming ICC Cricket World Cup, the clean up campaigns being launched for these events have allowed George-town to return to its “Garden City” state. Has a plan been implemented for the sustenance of these improvements?

I am pessimistic. Amidst the “quick-fix” progress, there are certain bugbears that many citizens are being faced with, especially those residing on the East Bank.

The first is the “master” plan prepared for managing the traffic during the World Cup.

Not only does it pose a tremendous problem to the East Bankers but (based on the dry runs) the police force have proven to be completely unprepared for this event!

Buddy’s International Hotel is quite a treat. However, this luxury hotel blasts music late into the night and early morning without regard for surrounding neighbourhoods.

I am appealing to the administration of the International Buddy’s Hotel to have respect for your neighbours and play your music at a decent level. I hope that Doorga Persaud from the EPA takes this complaint into consideration.

Yours faithfully,

(name and address
