Information should be published on such jobs or contracts

Dear Editor,

I refer to a letter by Mr F Kissoon captioned “President Jagdeo never acts on information of corruption supplied to him” (07.03.18). In the interest of “Fair Play” the government should publish a list of all appointments of the children of senior party persons, especially when there is ferocious competition for high profile jobs that may pay a bundle plus the perks. I think the people need to know, and if credibility means something to this government, then why not publish or make available all such `special jobs’, be it jobs as special contracts, special appointments and government’s order-in-council /cabinet contracts jobs and so called discretionary appointments.

It seems that this government has gone back to the dark days of Burnham’s PNC rule, and what personally happened to me. One had to register and get an interview at Congress Place in order to be considered for the job.

Was this information on jobs for the children of party people ever requested by the opposition in Parliament? I hope the AFC continues to pursue same, and thanks to Mr Kissoon.

Yours faithfully,

S Narine, Canada