The army’s continuing inefficiency is most disconcerting

Dear Editor,

Yesterday’s article in the newspapers regarding the Guyana Defence Force (GDF)discovering that an AK47 is missing is most disconcerting. Also, as of today, most of the prior AK47s which were missing about a year ago have not been identified.

This situation is disturbing in many respects. If our own Guyana Defence Force is incapable of safeguarding lethal weapons which are entrusted to it, how can it be entrusted to safeguard the nation and its interests?

Relieving the Base Commander, the Adjutant, and the Base Sergeant of Camp Ayanganna of their duties does not give the Guyanese people a warm feeling that the Guyana Defence Force is a capable entity.

Additionally, many non-resident Guyanese will be visiting their relatives and friends in Guyana over the Xmas holiday season.

Many of these visitors will bring gifts, money, etc to their less fortunate loved ones in Guyana.

The case of this missing AK47 does not give these non-resident Guyanese a feeling of comfort.

The Guyana Defence Force continues to be a gross embarrassment to the President and the government of Guyana. Its credibility has been further eroded due to this latest troubling incident.

It is time for the President to evaluate the need for the Guyana Defence Force. The citizens of Guyana cannot afford to continuously live in fear due to the inefficiencies and lack of professionalism by the Guyana Defence Force.

Yours faithfully,

A Persaud