Malathion is used in the USA and is not harmful to man in general

Dear Editor,

I refer to the letter captioned “City Hall should give notice of any intention to fog using Malathion” (07.12.04).

If there was a problem with using ULV Malathion it would not be allowed in the USA.

While they use a wide range of products we tend to use malathion only when we fog as it’s the cheapest.

All modern formulations do not contain the impurities that caused problems in the 60-70 era.

I agree that notice should be given for fogging as there will be persons who are sensitive to any fogging. However, Malathion is not harmful to man in general, but as you know there are people who are allergic to air, bee stings, dust or pollen.

Yours faithfully,

Victor Pires